You Are Here For A Reason

Hi! I'm Sky


In the midst of a quarter life existential crisis (pre Saturn Return you feel me??) I had a vision of myself at the end of my life, and what I wanted that to look like. I pictured a sunny day, green leaves on the trees, bird sounds- and a feeling of being okay, of being ready to go because I felt I had done what I needed to in this body. A feeling of readiness.

I don’t know if I will die on a sunny day and I can’t predict or control the exact events that will precede that moment. But what I’ve realized I CAN do- exist in, breathe into the fullness of being alive, of what it feels like to be living in a way that is right for me and to be present for the clues that are here to guide me along the way.

Astrology proves itself time and time again to be an incredible tool for self study, for understanding one another more deeply, and for sharpening the ability to recognize those guiding clues. I have experienced it's incredible guiding impact in my own life and have experienced the joy of seeing it work in the lives of those I work with.

Evolutionary Astrology is particularly beautiful because it offers a glimpse into past lives, helps to pull together the threads of patterns in your current life, and weaves all of that information together with the most important factor of all; your free will.

Your propensity for change is massive, your potential is infinite. Astrology can help recognize what you might feel like when you're optimizing that potential-also to recognize the red flags of being pulled back toward energy you're ready to outgrow- the aim is to exercise your free will toward freedom.

A friend recently asked me if I were to describe Astrology as a smell what that would be like- I thought of lilacs, rain and the dirt in the woods. It feels natural, truthful, reliable.

I have a continually renewing promise to myself to spend my time in this body fully alive, deeply loving, feeling, learning and connecting.
And I wish the same for you!

No one is here to do it alone, and why would we want to anyway?

Weekly Downloads

September 6 2021, 8:52pm EST
/Virgo Season
/Summer blending into Fall

As the last Summer days trickle on there’s an opportunity to bask in the sunshine while reevaluating and committing the right routines and goals to carry us forward.

Making a trine (helpful albeit sleepy aspect) to Uranus in Taurus (Think busting loose from societal myths, particularly around resources) and an opposition (compelling albeit tension loaded aspect) to Neptune in pisces (think sense of faith, ability to connect with higher consciousness) I’m having thoughts come up about the shifts in the world over the past years, particularly the match thrown into the gasoline soaked haystack that has been Covid.

The world has changed and so have you. Reflecting on these past years- how has your life changed on the inside and the out. From where you are now and what you’ve been experiencing- what is important to you? Has that changed? What are your present day ideals?

New moons are a time for visioning, committing, recommitting, planting seeds for what we would like to bring into reality.

Virgo- Perfecting yourself through relentless idealism. Self expression through offering that commitment in a way that is of use to someone, somehow. We all have Virgo inside of us, and the part of your chart it occupies is being lit up as we cycle through this season.

Take a good big inventory of your ideals, what really matters to you present day.

Have a brainstorm session, make a plan of your next steps forward.

Then take a look in the mirror and love the fck out of yourself, exactly as you are right now, not finished product but IN PROCESS. Vow to love yourself unconditionally in this forever “in process state”. Even when it’s fcking messyyyy and ugly. Those times might actually be the most beautiful if you really look at them right.

Make a plan of commitment to that ^ what does it take to be able to love yourself as you are? To value laughing and having a GOOD TIME down here on earth as you do the work toward your visions.

Then march forward with the list and plans in a spirit of blood, sweat and tears.

The bonus magic of this is that when we can offer ourselves that kind of love, our ability to extend that kind of love to our people unfolds naturally.

Works the other way round as well. Blocks around self love will show up in our relationships with others. They hold up the mirror up for us.

PRACTICE: Mirror Work! Talk to yourself in the mirror. Look at different parts of yourself and tell yourself what you love about you. If you struggle in finding something, or can’t even stand the idea of this-maybe try again. Virgo season supplies us with good energy to get better at things- including talking to ourselves in the way that we deserve without feeling some type of way about it 🌞
Useful for talking through things you might like to express to others as well❤️

August 21, 2021
++ cards of the week
“It is safe and beautiful to express my sensuality”
+ The wheel

A blue moon!

“Once in a blue moon”
Imagine that this is a once in a blue moon opportunity to rebel against the program in a revolutionary way.
Imagine it’s an opportunity to bust loose from the matrix, to vision a new matrix.

Imagination is fun!
And hugely powerful.
Massively intelligent.

What is being offered to you at this moment?
Where is the rare warp in the fabric of the space time continuum that allows you to reach your hand through and transcend the confines of of day to day “reality”?
Whereeee is it???
And will you use this opportunity?

To step deeper into your individual truth, and into the collective truth? To not turn away? To feel the depth of that?

Maybe a better Q- what’s the price for letting your truth stay small & quiet? What does that cost?

We are surrounded by content that has the potential to program us constantly. This is a call to use your sensuality in order to anchor into the unique truth of your existence. We are sensing beings. We sense with our minds, with our bodies- if we can anchor into that- what that truly feels like moment to moment- we stay IN the present moment. With ourselves, with each other and with the truth. Feeling- A tool for transcending the bullshit.
Aquarius at its best is not interested in bullshit.

Explore ways to turn your feeling on

PRACTICE: Sit tall, close your eyes, breathe all the way down into the pelvis. Try to feel your breath touch your tailbone, open up the muscles of your pelvic floor. Feel space and release in your pelvis. Feel that space give way to the ground underneath you. Feel your connection to the ground. Stay for 10 breaths, continuing to open, release into and connect with the earth. See if you can take it with you into the day. Put a

Aquarius is a visionary. What do you want? What vision are you casting for yourself? For the world?
Your presence can and absolutely does, change the world.

Reflect back to the Aquarius new moon on February 12, 2021- how have you progressed and developed toward that vision over these past 6 months? Where are you ready to shed and course correct. As always the house Aquarius rules in your chart, and any planets in Aquarius hood clues as to where and what needs to develop for you to step more fully into that vision.

The wheel- life cycles. Looking at where we are in our individual and collective life cycles. Owning that we have all played a role in creating this current moment in our life cycle- in the earths life cycle. The very light of it and the very dark of it. Turning to face it and to hold it, together. BREAKING the cycle by being present in the cycle. Consciously choosing the cycle we want part in creating. Creating cycles that come from connectedness. Medicine for dissociation.

PRACTICE: Sit tall, close your eyes, breathe all the way down into the pelvis. Try to feel your breath touch your tailbone, open up the muscles of your pelvic floor. Feel space and release in your pelvis. Feel that space give way to the ground underneath you. Feel your connection to the ground. Stay for 10 breaths, continuing to open, release into and connect with the earth. See if you can take it with you into the day. Notice what it feels like to try it during different parts of your day.

Sending lots of love for the rebellion 👊🏻❤️

August 8th 2021 9:50 am

This thought from the late, great Sanford Meisner always gives me big Leo feelings

“Bernard Shaw, who I believe was the greatest theatre critic since Aristotle, wrote: “Self-betrayal, magnified to suit the optics of theatre (or film) is the whole art of acting’. By ‘self-betrayal’, Shaw meant the pure, unselfconscious revelation of the gifted actors inner and most private being to the people in his audience”

Embrace the gifted actor within you! We all get up every day and put on the “performance” of our lives. No way around it. One of the archetypes for Leo is the performer (also clown, king, queen, inner child). It’s about developing the skills, the outlets that allow us to hand someone the key to what’s happening inside of us. Trusting in life and in people and in our desire enough to make the key and hand it over. To take the risk involved in being seen and loved for the mysteries swirling around inside of us.

Do you like the performance you’re putting on? Is it true? Does it match up with what’s going on inside of you?

Take this new moon as an opportunity to celebrate and explore your creativity- all of the things you can do with your body, soul, voice. Dance, sing, redecorate, scream, make a playlist, paint, draw, do cartwheels, go out exploring, make up a story, write a poem, write a love letter, have sex- with yourself! With someone else! Use this window to undertake all of life as art and opportunity for creative expression. Celebrate life and yourself and your love for life and roar with joy at the aburdityyyy of it alllll!

Set intentions for these next 6 months around the grand performance of living your life artfully and with truthfulness. How would you like to have grown into that come the Leo Full Moon in Feb 2022?? Meditate on the house Leo rules in your chart for some extra cluez as to the “where” in your life the expression may feel most lit up.

Sending love and good vibezzz ❤️🌚

Ways to Work with me


Click here for booking

For anytime you’re wanting to dive deeper into remembering and learning yourself. For times of excitement, embarking on a new adventure. To help gain deeper understanding in your relationships. Also for those times when maybe you want to escape to a desert island, pick a new career, peace out on your boo, and cut off all your hair. It happens!

Questions? Email me!